;"Systematic Name";"Gene Name";"Motif ID";"Expert Confidence";"Dubious?";"Notes" ;"YJL089W";"SIP4";"573";"Medium";"";"PBM motif 573 is a monomeric GAL4-type motif (others appear dimeric) but it has good correspondence to ChIP-chip data. Only a few of the dimeric sites are more significant - the motif from in vivo analysis (PMID: 14685767) does not score as highly as 2067 from ChIP-chip data, but they look very similar. This is 573, the presumed monomeric site" ;"YJL089W";"SIP4";"2067";"Medium";"";"PBM motif 573 is a monomeric GAL4-type motif (others appear dimeric) but it has good correspondence to ChIP-chip data. Only a few of the dimeric sites are more significant - the motif from in vivo analysis (PMID: 14685767) does not score as highly as 2067 from ChIP-chip data, but they look very similar. This is 2067, the presumed dimeric site."