== EXPORT :: BEGIN ======== HEADER: [Systematic Name][Gene Name][Motif ID][Expert Confidence][Dubious?][Notes] ROW: (YGL073W)(HSF1)(615)(Medium)()(Four types of motifs contain TTC monomeric core and all score highly on both ChIP and expression. Appear to represent different monomeric/multimeric binding configurations. This is the trimeric site. From ChIP.) ROW: (YGL073W)(HSF1)(411)(Medium)()(Four types of motifs contain TTC monomeric core and all score highly on both ChIP and expression. Appear to represent different monomeric/multimeric binding configurations. This is the spaced direct repeat dimeric site. From ChIP.) ROW: (YGL073W)(HSF1)(476)(Medium)()(Four types of motifs contain TTC monomeric core and all score highly on both ChIP and expression. Appear to represent different monomeric/multimeric binding configurations. This is the monomeric site. From PBM.) ROW: (YGL073W)(HSF1)(1461)(Medium)()(Four types of motifs contain TTC monomeric core and all score highly on both ChIP and expression. Appear to represent different monomeric/multimeric binding configurations. This is the dimeric head-to-tail site. From ChIP and prior.) == EXPORT :: END ==========