;"Systematic Name";"Gene Name";"Motif ID";"Expert Confidence";"Dubious?";"Notes" ;"YBL005W";"PDR3";"1387";"Medium";"";"MITOMI yields a simple GAL4 monomeric site that scores well in ChIP-chip data. ChIP-chip yields a dimeric site that resembles the literature site. In vivo, PDR1 and PDR3 may form heterodimers. Retain both. This is the monomeric motif." ;"YBL005W";"PDR3";"2062";"Medium";"";"MITOMI yields a simple GAL4 monomeric site that scores well in ChIP-chip data. ChIP-chip yields a dimeric site that resembles the literature site. In vivo, PDR1 and PDR3 may form heterodimers. Retain both. This is the dimeric ChIP-chip motif."