;"Systematic Name";"Gene Name";"Motif ID";"Expert Confidence";"Dubious?";"Notes" ;"YCL067C";"HMLALPHA2";"2102";"Medium";"";"Protein is similar to PBX/MEIS/TGIF; both PBM motifs have some similarity (central ACA/TGT), so do sites in crystal and in vivo (e.g. PMID: 1682054) but no clear winner between the two. Keep both PBM motifs in curated set (2102 and 2079) but give medium confidence - no supporting ChIP or expression data." ;"YCL067C";"HMLALPHA2";"2079";"Medium";"";"Protein is similar to PBX/MEIS/TGIF; both PBM motifs have some similarity (central ACA/TGT), so do sites in crystal and in vivo (e.g. PMID: 1682054) but no clear winner between the two. Keep both PBM motifs in curated set (2102 and 2079) but give medium confidence - no supporting ChIP or expression data."