;"Systematic Name";"Gene Name";"Motif ID";"Expert Confidence";"Dubious?";"Notes" ;"YDR421W";"ARO80";"725";"High";"";"PBM motif 2115 appears monomeric and has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data. ChIP motif 1509 appears dimeric and correlates with ChIP data. Literature motif 725 appears trimeric and has experimental support. Retain all three." ;"YDR421W";"ARO80";"1509";"High";"";"PBM motif 2115 appears monomeric and has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data. ChIP motif 1509 appears dimeric and correlates with ChIP data. Literature motif 725 appears trimeric and has experimental support. Retain all three." ;"YDR421W";"ARO80";"2115";"High";"";"PBM motif 2115 appears monomeric and has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data. ChIP motif 1509 appears dimeric and correlates with ChIP data. Literature motif 725 appears trimeric and has experimental support. Retain all three."