== EXPORT :: BEGIN ======== HEADER: [Systematic Name][Gene Name][Motif ID][Expert Confidence][Dubious?][Notes] ROW: (YOR380W)(RDR1)(2158)(High)()(All motifs are related except 1851. PBM motif 2158 is monomeric and has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data. The literature motif 756 consists of two back-to-back and slightly overlapping versions of the monomeric PBM motif. There is no evidence for direct binding in this specific spacing and orientation; however, the results of mutations in reporters indicate that both copies are necessary for induction in the mutant. Retain both motifs.) ROW: (YOR380W)(RDR1)(756)(Medium)()(All motifs are related except 1851. PBM motif 2158 is monomeric and has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data. The literature motif 756 consists of two back-to-back and slightly overlapping versions of the monomeric PBM motif. There is no evidence for direct binding in this specific spacing and orientation; however, the results of mutations in reporters indicate that both copies are necessary for induction in the mutant. Retain both motifs.) == EXPORT :: END ==========