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Systematic Name Gene Name Motif ID Expert Confidence Dubious? Notes
V YMR072W ABF2 541 Medium Dubious Protein is not expected to be sequence specific. But motif is obtained in vitro. May need further investigation. Give medium confidence, but label as dubious.
V YDR477W SNF1 1110 Medium Dubious Motif 1110 has a quite strong correspondence to ChIP-chip data (from which it is derived). However, there seems to be no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. Aside from a weak relationship to expression data there is no corroborating evidence here (and no DNA-binding domain).
V YPR086W SUA7 1327 Low Dubious This protein is not expected to bind DNA; it is supposed to bind DNA-bound TBP. The TIRF-PBM data used to generate the motif included only 96 sequences.
V YPR054W SMK1 1875 Low Dubious I could not find any evidence that this protein binds directly to DNA. There is only one motif derived from ChIP-chip but it bears little relationship to the data from which it was derived.
V YPL139C UME1 1143 Low Dubious It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motif comes only from ChIP-chip. But, it has a high P-value, and the motif has low similarity to other motifs, with the possible exception of Yox1. But the function of the protein is very different from that of Yox1. Tough call - leave as Dubious, but give Low confidence to motif 1143.
V YOR230W WTM1 1148 Low Dubious It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motifs come only from ChIP-chip so scoring on ChIP-chip is circular.
V YNL139C THO2 786 Low Dubious It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motif comes only from ChIP-chip.
V YMR164C MSS11 204 Low Dubious There is no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, rather than a cofactor. The motif has a limited relationship to ChIP-chip data. The literature motif scores better than the motif derived from the ChIP-chip study. Also, the motif is identical to that for FLO8.
V YMR075W RCO1 1066 Low Dubious There is no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein rather than a chromatin factor. The higher-scoring ChIP-chip motif appears to have low information content and does not display strong correspondence to the data it was generated from or to expression data.
V YMR053C STB2 710 Low Dubious No direct evidence that this is a DNA-binding protein. Three ChIP-derived motifs but none scores highly by any measure. Motif 710 is an arbitrary choice - looks tidy.
V YKL020C SPT23 670 Low Dubious I could not find any evidence that this protein binds directly to DNA. It has an IPT domain but no REL domain. None of the ChIP-derived motifs scores highly on ChIP data or anything else. Motif 670 bears some relationship to expression data.
V YGL192W IME4 1000 Low Dubious I could not find evidence that IME4 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. C3H1 is more typically an RNA-binding domain or something besides nucleic acid binding. There is one significant ChIP-chip motif but perhaps it binds through a cofactor. No other supporting data.
V YGL131C SNT2 612 Low Dubious All three motifs are derived from the same ChIP-chip data. However, there is no corroborating data, and not all SANT domains are DNA-binding - or are non-specific, in chromatin proteins. So it could be a cofactor motif; in fact it is similar to motifs of Stp3 and Stp4. The protein has other chromatin-related domains (BAH, PHD/RING). Hence the "Low" assessment.
V YER161C SPT2 1114 Low Dubious I could not find any evidence that this protein binds directly to DNA. None of the motifs is significant. All are from ChIP-chip. Motif 1114 chosen simploy because it has the highest numbers overall.
V YER109C FLO8 67 Low Dubious I found no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, i.e. that it binds directly to DNA in vitro. The motif has a limited relationship to ChIP-chip data. The literature motif scores better than the motif derived from the ChIP-chip study. Also, the motif is identical to that for MSS11.
V YER051W JHD1 662 Low Dubious This is a histone demethylase. No evidence for direct DNA binding. Motif 662 is significant. Include, but give low confidence - could be a cofactor.
V YDL002C NHP10 502 Low Dubious NHP10 is an HMGB-type protein. Known to prefer DNA ends. There is no independent support for the single PBM motif.
V YCL055W KAR4 127 Low Dubious Evidence for sequence specific DNA binding seems weak, hence low confidence
V YPL216W   0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YPL049C DIG1 0   Dubious Not a TF - it binds Ste12; all the motifs are Ste12 motifs.
V YPL016W SWI1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YOR372C NDD1 0   Dubious There is no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, either in vitro or in vivo or in its sequence. The ChIP-chip motif that scores most highly is actually an MCM1 motif, which is consistent with the role of NDD1 as a "transcriptional activator essential for nuclear division".
V YOR308C SNU66 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YOR304W ISW2 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YOR298C-A MBF1 0   Dubious This is a coactivator. I found no evidence that it is a sequence-specific TF.
V YOR290C SNF2 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YOR229W WTM2 0   Dubious It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motif comes only from ChIP-chip so scoring on ChIP-chip is circular.
V YOR156C NFI1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YOR077W RTS2 0   Dubious Homolog of Kin17; not a typical C2H2 zinc finger. Believed to be "chromatin-associated proteins involved in UV response and DNA replication". No evidence for sequence-specific DNA-binding. Single ChIP-chip motif does not have strong correspondence to the data from which it is derived.
V YOR038C HIR2 0   Dubious Hir1,2,3 are a nucleosome assembly complex, not TFs
V YNR054C ESF2 0   Dubious This is supposed to be a ribosome biogenesis factor. I found no evidence that it is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein.
V YNL309W STB1 0   Dubious No direct evidence that this is a DNA-binding protein. It binds Swi6 and the ChIP motifs all resemble Swi4 binding sites.
V YNL257C SIP3 0   Dubious Sip3 is a protein that "transcription through interaction with DNA-bound Snf1p" (SGD); no DNA-binding domain and no evidence for direct interaction with DNA or intrinsic sequence specificity.
V YNL227C JJJ1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YNL199C GCR2 0   Dubious Gcr2 is not a DNA-binding protein. SGD: "Gcr1p is a DNA-binding protein interacting with the consensus sequence CTTCC, whereas Gcr2p interacts with Gcr1p". But, ChIP-chip motif 606 is probably the best Gcr1 motif available (even though it came from Gcr2 ChIP).
V YNL132W KRE33 0   Dubious This is supposed to be a ribosome biogenesis factor. I found no evidence that it is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein.
V YNL079C TPM1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YNL039W BDP1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YNL023C FAP1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YMR213W CEF1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YMR176W ECM5 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YMR172W HOT1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YML051W GAL80 0   Dubious Gal80 is not a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein
V YLR442C SIR3 0   Dubious There is no evidence that the SIR proteins are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Most of the motifs for them are Rap1 sites.
V YLR254C NDL1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YLR223C IFH1 0   Dubious Cofactor of Fhl1p. No evidence for sequence-specific DNA-binding.
V YLR211C   0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YLR182W SWI6 0   Dubious Swi6 is a cofactor, not a DNA-binding protein. These motifs are for Mbp1 or Swi4.
V YLR113W HOG1 0   Dubious This is a signalling molecule that associates with many TFs (see SGD)
V YKR101W SIR1 0   Dubious There is no evidence that the SIR proteins are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Most of the motifs for them are Rap1 sites.
V YKL072W STB6 0   Dubious It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motif comes only from ChIP-chip so scoring on ChIP-chip is circular. The ChIP-chip motif looks a little like a Rap1 motif.
V YKL032C IXR1 0   Dubious Binds cisplatin-modified DNA. HMG domains. ChIP-chip motifs not significant. Dubious and no credible motif.
V YKL005C BYE1 0   Dubious SGD: "Negative regulator of transcription elongation, contains a TFIIS-like domain and a PHD finger, multicopy suppressor of temperature-sensitive ess1 mutations, probably binds RNA polymerase II large subunit". No evidence this is a sequence-specific TF.
V YJR140C HIR3 0   Dubious Hir1,2,3 are a nucleosome assembly complex, not TFs
V YJR094C IME1 0   Dubious Interacts with UME6. The only significant motif shares 5/6 bases with the UME6 motif core (GCCGCC)
V YJL176C SWI3 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YIL128W MET18 0   Dubious I found no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. ChIP-chip motif does not correlate with ChIP-chip data, or anything else.
V YIL122W POG1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YIL119C RPI1 0   Dubious It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motif comes only from ChIP-chip so scoring on ChIP-chip is circular.
V YHL020C OPI1 0   Dubious Motifs do not match and do not explain the ChIP-chip data from which they are derived. Motif 1049 resembles the expected UAS-INO (Ino2/4) binding site (CATGTGAAAT) - Opi1 acts as a repressor by binding Ino2. I believe this protein is a corepressor, and Ino2/4 are the DNA-binding factors. Dubious as sequence-specific TF.
V YGR140W CBF2 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YGR097W ASK10 0   Dubious I did not find any evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein.
V YGR089W NNF2 0   Dubious I did not find any evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein.
V YGR071C   0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YGR040W KSS1 0   Dubious There is no evidence that Kss1 is a sequence-specific TF.
V YGR002C SWC4 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YGL197W MDS3 0   Dubious I found no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. ChIP-chip motif does not correlate with ChIP-chip data, or anything else.
V YGL133W ITC1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YFR037C RSC8 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YFL052W   0   Dubious Putative zinc-cluster protein.
V YER164W CHD1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YER159C BUR6 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YER063W THO1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YDR485C VPS72 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YDR448W ADA2 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YDR409W SIZ1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YDR362C TFC6 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YDR323C PEP7 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YDR277C MTH1 0   Dubious SGD: "interacts with Rgt1p and the Snf3p and Rgt2p glucose sensors". There is no evidence that this is a sequence-specific transcription factor.
V YDR227W SIR4 0   Dubious There is no evidence that the SIR proteins are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Most of the motifs for them are Rap1 sites.
V YDR225W HTA1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YDR049W   0   Dubious No evidence this is a TF, aside from a poorly-scoring C2H2 zinc finger
V YDR009W GAL3 0   Dubious Gal3 is not a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein
V YDL166C FAP7 0   Dubious This is supposed to be a ribosome biogenesis factor. I found no evidence that it is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein.
V YDL074C BRE1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YDL042C SIR2 0   Dubious There is no evidence that the SIR proteins are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Most of the motifs for them are Rap1 sites.
V YCR066W RAD18 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YCR033W SNT1 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YBR060C ORC2 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YBL052C SAS3 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YBL008W HIR1 0   Dubious Hir1,2,3 are a nucleosome assembly complex, not TFs
V YBL003C HTA2 0   Dubious Unlikely to be true TF.
V YPR199C ARR1 603 Medium   Only motif 603 has significant scores with ChIP-chip and expression data; looks somewhat like a YAP motif
V YPR052C NHP6A 879 Medium   NHP6A and NHP6B are similar to the HMGB family, which is thought to lack sequence specificity. However, the proteins do bend the DNA when they bind, and so may have some level of sequence specificity. Essentially similar motifs were obtained for the two different proteins (in the same study) and the PBM motif for Nhp6A has a good correspondence to ChIP-chip data. Give both Medium confidence.
V YPR008W HAA1 1425 Medium   Literature motif is not completely determined, but scores highly on ChIP-chip data. Regardless, medium confidence.
V YPL133C RDS2 2226 Medium   All motifs contain CGG. PBM motif 2226 appears to be a monomeric version of literature motif 757. However, the paper that produced motif 757 did not demonstrate that this is an optimal binding site. Retain both motifs and give them a "medium" confidence.
V YPL133C RDS2 757 Medium   All motifs contain CGG. PBM motif 2226 appears to be a monomeric version of literature motif 757. However, the paper that produced motif 757 did not demonstrate that this is an optimal binding site. Retain both motifs and give them a "medium" confidence.
V YPL089C RLM1 419 Medium   Motif 419 has a MADS-like appearance, and scores very highly in ChIP-chip data, despite being derived from the literature. Not much correspondence to expression however, hence Medium confidence. ChIP-chip motif 910 does slightly better on expression but to me is not a credible MADS box binding site.
V YOR380W RDR1 756 Medium   All motifs are related except 1851. PBM motif 2158 is monomeric and has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data. The literature motif 756 consists of two back-to-back and slightly overlapping versions of the monomeric PBM motif. There is no evidence for direct binding in this specific spacing and orientation; however, the results of mutations in reporters indicate that both copies are necessary for induction in the mutant. Retain both motifs.
V YOR337W TEA1 817 Medium   Three motifs, all from PBMs. Choose 817 because it has a more robust GAL4 "CGG" core. But there is no convincing corroborating data for either motif and they do not match each other.

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