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Systematic Name Gene Name Motif ID Expert Confidence Dubious? Notes
V YJL206C   0     Seven motifs from ChIP-chip, but none of them corresponds well to ChIP-chip data, and none of them resembles a GAL4 motif. 1169 has a CGG in the middle, but too much flanking information to be credible without further independent support.
V YOR363C PIP2 0     See Oaf1-Pip2-dimer
V MBP1-SWI6-dimer MBP1-SWI6-dimer 0     Redundant with MBP1
V YBR297W MAL33 0     None of the ChIP-chip motifs correspond wekk to the data they come from and/or resemble a GAL4 motif.
V YGR288W MAL13 0     None of the ChIP-chip motifs correspond wekk to the data they come from and/or resemble a GAL4 motif.
V MATA1   0     Need to study literature more carefully and consult experts.but at first glance none of these motifs seems right
V YNL103W MET4 0     My understanding is that Met4 is a modifier of the specificity of other proteins. SGD states that it "requires different combinations of the auxiliary factors Cbf1p, Met28p, Met31p and Met32p". ChIP-chip motifs 1023 and 1024 I believe are cofactor motifs; they are E-boxes. ChIP-chip motif 689 is different and matches Met28 and Met32 motifs. (CTGTGG core). Met28 is a bZIP protein, and Met32 is a C2H2. MITOMI motif for Met32 is TGTGG. So this is the Met32 motif. I do not believe that any of the Met4 motifs is correct. Need to obtain motifs for complexes.
V YIR017C MET28 0     Like MET4, component of a complex. SGD: "Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcriptional activator in the Cbf1p-Met4p-Met28p complex".."Both Met4p and Met28p bind to DNA only in the presence of Cbf1p, and the presence of Cbf1p and Met4p stimulates the binding of Met28p to DNA (1, 2).". ChIP-chip motif 703 (CTGTGG) is clearly the Met31/32 motif. The other ChIP-chip motif is essentially poly-A, and scores poorly. Hence, neither of these motifs represents the intrinsic sequence specificity of MET28. Need in vitro data for complexes.
V YKR064W OAF3 0     I do not see how either of these motifs could possibly be a Gal4-class binding motif. And, there is no correspondence to any of the data, even the ChIP-chip data from which it is derived.
V YDR034C LYS14 133 High   PBM motifs are virtually identical and appear monomeric; literature motif is dimeric. Include both. Choose PBM motif 865 as it appears to have more robust CGG.
V YNL216W RAP1 254 High   Most motifs look similar. ChIP-chip motif 254 has highest correspondence to expression data.
V YHR206W SKN7 380 High   Motifs are remarkably discordant considering that they all resemble each other in being G+C rich and containing a GGCC core. Possibly reflecting different modes of multimerization? Include the two that score highest on independent data: PBM motif 583, which represents a monomer, and ChIP-chip motif 380, which appears to represent a dimer.
V YDR310C SUM1 383 High   This is the motif for the FL SUM1; scores highest on ChIP-chip and resembles the canonical literature motif; also has some relationship to deletion expression data
V YPL202C AFT2 389 High   All motifs look similar. ChIP-chip motif 389 scores high on ChIP-chip data and also best on expression data.
V YKL043W PHD1 393 High   High-scoring motifs are all similar, with characteristic APSES GC core and palindromic. PBM motifs score highest on ChIP-seq data, while ChIP-chip motif 393 (which contains flanking G/C residues) scores highest on expression data. Retain both - possibly, the rest of the protein contributes to binding flanking residues. This is the ChIP motif that scores highest on expression data.
V YOR344C TYE7 397 High   All studies except one get canonical HLH motif. 795 (PBM) is nearly tied for best ChIP-chip score with the best ChIP-chip motif. Still, ChIP motif 397 scores higher, and looks identical, but with fewer flanking empty positions.
V YHR084W STE12 400 High   All motifs but one resemble the canonical literature site. Motif 400 is derived from ChIP-chip data (on which it scores highest) but also scores highest on expression data.
V YKR099W BAS1 402 High   Virtually all motifs are similar, with GAGTCA core. ChIP motif 402 has highest correspondence to both ChIP-chip and expression data.
V YMR016C SOK2 404 High   ChIP-chip motif 404 has highest correspondence to both ChIP-chip and expression data - and strongly resembles PBM motif
V YOR028C CIN5 409 High   Most motifs match the classic YAP motif. This is the best in vivo motif (highest match to ChIP-chip).
V YDR310C SUM1 478 High   This is the motif for the SUM1 AT_hook; scores highest in deletion expression data
V YGL013C PDR1 485 High   PBM motif 485 looks like a traditional literature motif and has highest correspondence to ChIP and expression data. Dimeric GAL4 motif.
V YBR267W REI1 489 High   PBM motif looks like a yeast C2H2 motif (row of C's); highly significant relationship to ChIP-chip data
V YGL096W TOS8 494 High   No corroborating data on this TF, and only one PBM motif known and one ChIP motif. But, it resembles TGTCA, which was also obtained for paralog Cup9 by multiple approaches (GTGNCA), as well as PBM results for the Meis/Mrg/Pknox/Tgif family, which are the closest mammalian homologs. The ChIP motif (1902) does not resemble a homeodomain binding sequence, and scores lower on expression data.
V YML027W YOX1 498 High   Two PBM studies and Pramila et al. (PMID 12464633) agree on classic homeodomain TAATTA motif. All three correlate with expression change and OE. Motif 453 is not a direct measurement so choose PBM motif that is the same length as the typical homeodomain footprint - 498 also correlates best with OE data; expression scores are skewed low by the large number of cell-cycle measurements.
V YOR113W AZF1 499 High   PBM motif 499 scores as well as the ChIP-chip motifs, but without the circularity. No significant data except ChIP-chip, however.
V YCR106W RDS1 506 High   All motifs look similar. PBM motif 506 has a higher score on ChIP-chip than any of the ChIP-chip derived motifs.
V YPL230W USV1 509 High   Two PBM studies essentially agree on classical C2H2 GGGG-containing motif. Chose 509 because it scores much higher on both ChIP and expression data.
V YNL027W CRZ1 516 High   PBM motif 516 scores highest on ChIP and expression; resembles classic literature motifs
V YKL062W MSN4 518 High   PBM motif 518 resembles both the classical MSN motif and the PBM motif, and scores highest on both expression and ChIP-chip.
V YMR168C CEP3 524 High   Two PBM motifs agree. Went with 524 because it appears neater. No other supporting data for any of them.
V YMR182C RGM1 531 High   PBM motif 531 looks like a C2H2 motif (row of G's), and scores well on both ChIP-chip and deletion expression data.
V YER130C COM2 534 High   PBM motif 534 has the highest correspondence to expression data. Not much else supporting any of the motifs, although the two PBM motifs look about the same. Also look like typical yeast C2H2 motifs.
V YER040W GLN3 539 High   Most motifs are classic GATA or GATAAG. PBM motif 539 scores highest on ChIP.
V YDR213W UPC2 544 High   The SRE is bound by UPC2 and the "canonical" sequence is TCGTATA. However, the more degenerate version obtained by PBM (motif 544) scores better in both expression analysis and OE experiments. Newer motif 2109 scores better on ChIP-chip, but lower on expression, and the SRE is well-characterized....I think this one deserves further experimental analysis.
V YER169W RPH1 547 High   About half of the motifs look similar to each other, with GGGG core typical of many yeast C2H2 proteins. PBM motif 547 has meaningful scores on both ChIP-chip and mutant expression data. I'm somewhat concerned that motif 279 lacks two A residues captured by both PBM experiments.
V YBR150C TBS1 552 High   Two motifs from PBMs are nearly identical GAL4-class motifs with defined spacing and orientation. Motif 552 has slightly higher scores. Two motifs from BEEML analysis of PBM data give monomeric motif - also give this high confidence.
V YDR520C URC2 553 High   This is a monomeric GAL4-class motif. Two PBM studies essentially agree, and have some relationship to ChIP-chip data. No other informative data.
V YDR096W GIS1 562 High   All motifs similar; PBM motif 562 has highest correspondence to deletion expression data and overexpression data
V YIR013C GAT4 565 High   Two PBM motifs look similar, also similar to a subset of other GATAs. 565 scores higher on expression and OE data.
V YDR146C SWI5 569 High   PBM, Chip-chip, and conservation all yield similar motifs. ChIP-chip scores highest in ChIP-chip but that is circular. Choose PBM motif 569 which is nearly identical.
V YCR065W HCM1 570 High   PBM and SAAB/EMSA motifs both look similar to standard FH motif. PBM motif 570 has stronger correspondence to expression data.
V YJR127C RSF2 575 High   No supporting data, but the PBM motif 575 looks like a typical yeast C2H2 motif (Adr1, which has similar zinc fingers, Mig1, etc).
V YDR216W ADR1 576 High   PBM motif 576 has significant correspondence to both ChIP-chip and highest to expression data. And has a classic yeast C2H2 look.
V YPL021W ECM23 578 High   PBM motif 578 strongly resembles that from other yeast GATA-class TFs
V YDR303C RSC3 580 High   PBM motif 580 has best correspondence to expression data - the only significant independent criterion - considering that the correlations are all in the same orientation (they are not for 2165). All motifs look similar. Propose that longer motifs could be due to multiple binding sites in the same sequence.
V YHR206W SKN7 583 High   Motifs are remarkably discordant considering that they all resemble each other in being G+C rich and containing a GGCC core. Possibly reflecting different modes of multimerization? Include the two that score highest on independent data: PBM motif 583, which represents a monomer, and ChIP-chip motif 380, which appears to represent a dimer.
V YER111C SWI4 584 High   Motif is well-characterized and most published motifs match the expected one. PBM motif (584) scores highly (although not highest) in Chip-chip data. It is, however, non-circular, and specifically captures "DNA metabolic process" in GO analysis.
V YIL036W CST6 585 High   PBM motif 585 correlates with expression data (deletion and overexpression). ChIP motif 1466 has higher ChIP score but is lower on expression.
V YPR022C   588 High   Only one motif available, from PBMs; classical yeast C2H2 motif, and has some relationship to ChIP-chip data.
V YDR259C YAP6 599 High   PBM and ChIP-chip can derive basically the same motif, which is a classical YAP motif. They score similarly on all criteria. The ChIP-chip motif (599) has fewer low-information flanking bases.
V YHL027W RIM101 600 High   ChIP-chip motif 600 is almost identical to PBM motif 513, but scores slightly higher on expression data. Three of six motifs are very similar.
V YDL170W UGA3 651 High   Appears to be a dimeric GAL4-class motif. Scores highest in ChIP-chip data, but is derived from the same data. GO seems to match known function!
V YGL071W AFT1 658 High   Most motifs are similar. Also very similar to AFT2 motifs. ChIP-chip motif 658 scores highest on both ChIP-chip and expression data.
V YDR463W STP1 660 High   STP1 and 2 have very similar DNA-binding domains. However, they are not similar to those of STP3 and 4. PBM motif for STP2 (800) correlates with ChIP-chip and expression data. ChIP-chip motif for STP1 (660) most strongly resembles motif 800, and scores highly on ChIP-chip data. In addition, these motifs resemble halfmers of literature-derived binding sites.
V YHL009C YAP3 672 High   ChIP-chip yields a classic 7-mer Yap motif that scores well on ChIP and significantly on expression. Could be a heterodimer. Chose 672 over 1463 because it has a higher score on expression data, which is independent.
V YNL314W DAL82 690 High   PBM and ChIP-chip motifs agree; select ChIP-chip as it scores higher on ChIP-chip although the extra A's on the side could be either due to the FL protein or some other in vivo factor.
V YOR358W HAP5 695 High   Subunit of the heme-activated, glucose-repressed Hap2/3/4/5 CCAAT-binding complex - there should be a single motif for all four proteins, containing CCAAT. ChIP-chip motif 695 resembles CCAATCA, and scores highly on ChIP-chip, OE, and deletion expression data.
V YKL109W HAP4 695 High   Subunit of the heme-activated, glucose-repressed Hap2/3/4/5 CCAAT-binding complex - there should be a single motif for all four proteins, containing CCAAT. ChIP-chip motif 695 resembles CCAATCA, and scores highly on ChIP-chip, OE, and deletion expression data.
V YBL021C HAP3 695 High   Subunit of the heme-activated, glucose-repressed Hap2/3/4/5 CCAAT-binding complex - there should be a single motif for all four proteins, containing CCAAT. ChIP-chip motif 695 resembles CCAATCA, and scores highly on ChIP-chip, OE, and deletion expression data.
V YGL237C HAP2 695 High   Subunit of the heme-activated, glucose-repressed Hap2/3/4/5 CCAAT-binding complex - there should be a single motif for all four proteins, containing CCAAT. ChIP-chip motif 695 resembles CCAATCA, and scores highly on ChIP-chip, OE, and deletion expression data.
V YDR026C   696 High   Three ChIP-chip motifs are virtually identical in appearance; resemble Reb1 motifs; high correspondence to ChIP-chip data
V YOL108C INO4 713 High   Ino2/4 binds as a heterodimer, so there should just be one motif for the two proteins. All motifs appear similar but none of them is derived from in vitro data. Nonetheless most motifs match a classic E-box with some preference for flanking bases. Motif 713 is derived from ChIP-chip; it is not the highest-scoring ChIP-chip motif but it is highest for OE and deletion expression.
V YDR123C INO2 713 High   Ino2/4 binds as a heterodimer, so there should just be one motif for the two proteins. All motifs appear similar but none of them is derived from in vitro data. Nonetheless most motifs match a classic E-box with some preference for flanking bases. Motif 713 is derived from ChIP-chip; it is not the highest-scoring ChIP-chip motif but it is highest for OE and deletion expression.
V YDR451C YHP1 716 High   ChIP-chip, EMSA, and one-hybrid all arrive at a classic homeodomain TAATTG motif. Microarray enrichment motif (716) scores higher on OE data from another study than ChIP motifs do, and does nearly as well on ChIP data.
V YDR421W ARO80 725 High   PBM motif 2115 appears monomeric and has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data. ChIP motif 1509 appears dimeric and correlates with ChIP data. Literature motif 725 appears trimeric and has experimental support. Retain all three.
V YIR018W YAP5 777 High   ChIP-chip yields a classic 7-mer Yap motif that scores well on ChIP and significantly on expression.
V YLR451W LEU3 781 High   Most motifs look similar - dimeric GAL4 motif. Literature motif (781) has high correspondence to ChIP-chip and expression data and is not circular. But, PBM motif 2135, which is a monomeric GAL4 motif, scores highest on both ChIP-chip and expression data.
V YLR403W SFP1 797 High   Most ChIP-seq studies identified the Rap1 motif. PBM motif 797 is less significant by ChIP-seq (although still highly significant) but is the winner across the board for all types of expression data.
V YER148W SPT15 798 High   This is TATA-binding protein. PBM motif 798 chosen because 1326 was derived from the 96-sequence TIRF-PBM array instead of a full 40K PBM
V YOL089C HAL9 799 High   PBM motifs 799 and 2134 score highest on ChIP-chip data; classic dimeric and monomeric GAL4 sites, respectively.
V YNR063W   804 High   Motifs from PBMs are virtually identical. This is a monomeric GAL4-like motif. 804 agrees more with ChIP-chip data.
V YOR172W YRM1 813 High   Two PBM studies largely agree on classic GAL4-class monomeric motif. Motif 813 has indications of spacing and orientation of dimeric protein.
V YBR083W TEC1 815 High   All motifs agree, and are significant by several criteria. PBM motif 815 has the second-highest scores overall, and it is non-circular for in vivo binding. Also has highest GO score.
V YNL068C FKH2 830 High   Most motifs are classic Forkhead. PBM motif 830 is one of the highest scoring and is not circular.
V YMR043W MCM1 831 High   Most motifs resemble a classic SRF site. PBM motif 831 scores highly across the board, except for expression data where none does well, and its scores are non-circular.
V YLR228C ECM22 849 High   PBM motif 2122 is a monomeric GAL4 class motif, and scores highest on both ChIP and expression ata. 849 is a classic dimeric GAL4 motif with lower but still reasonable scores and is moderately predictive across the board.
V YBL054W TOD6 852 High   Two PBM motifs largely agree; 852 has higher correspondence to expression data while 495 has higher correspondence to ChIP-chip. Use 852; score is way higher. Also for GO.
V YPR013C CMR3 859 High   PBM motifs are very similar. No other supporting data, but it's a clean motif. Chose 859 because it most closely resembles motif from paralog YPR015c.
V YPR196W   861 High   Motifs from PBMs are very similar and are a variant monomeric GAL4-like motif. Chose 861 as it passes the significance threshold against ChIP-chip data.
V YDR034C LYS14 865 High   PBM motifs are virtually identical and appear monomeric; literature motif is dimeric. Include both. Choose PBM motif 865 as it appears to have more robust CGG.
V YPR015C   871 High   Only one motif available, from PBMs; resembles motof from CMR3 which is a paralogous gene (and nearly adjacent on the chromosome). And, scores significantly against expression data.
V YBR049C REB1 907 High   All motifs are similar. ChIP-chip motif 907 has highest correspondence to both ChIP-chip and expression data, and strongly resembles MITOMI and PBM motifs.
V YFL021W GAT1 962 High   ChIP-chip motif 962 scores higher on both ChIP-chip and expression data
V YLR131C ACE2 1332 High   Highest-scoring ChIP-chip motif is Rap1 site. MITOMI motif 1332 is next, and resembles the classic Swi5/Ace2 motif.
V YJR060W CBF1 1346 High   Classic E-box. MITOMI motif 1346 nearly has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data and is non-circular; no other supporting data
V YEL009C GCN4 1363 High   Virtually all motifs look the same. MITOMI motif 1363 is as good as any of the ChIP-chip motifs but not circular; scores high across the board.
V YCR039C MATALPHA2 1364 High   According to PMID: 9858582, "A comparison of the 2 binding sites in both asg and hsg operators yields the same consensus sequence, 5'-CATGTA-3"; results in Figure 2 of the same paper support a consensus of CATGTAA. MITOMI yields ACATG, which is the reverse complement of most of the literature consensus. Motif 1364 has highest information content; use this.
V YPL038W MET31 1370 High   Most motifs look similar. MITOMI motif 1370 has highest overall correlation to ChIP-chip, OE, and deletion data.
V YOL116W MSN1 1376 High   MITOMI motif 1376 has the highest correspondence to ChIP-chip. MITOMI motif 1378 is very close, however, and seems to be a circular permutation. Retain both motifs.
V YOL116W MSN1 1378 High   MITOMI motif 1376 has the highest correspondence to ChIP-chip. MITOMI motif 1378 is very close, however, and seems to be a circular permutation. Retain both motifs.
V YMR037C MSN2 1380 High   MITOMI motif 1380 has the highest overall correspondence to ChIP-chip, overexpression, and deletion data. Resembles classic Msn2/4 motif.
V YBR066C NRG2 1383 High   MITOMI motif 1383 looks like a classic yeast C2H2 binding site (row of G's). Also resembles motifs obtained by both ChIP and PBMs for related protein Nrg1.
V YPR065W ROX1 1396 High   About half the motifs have a typical ACAAT Sox core. MITOMI motif 1396 has highest correspondence to both ChIP-chip and deletion expression data.
V YNL167C SKO1 1401 High   The MITOMI motif 1401 is an offset and asymmetric version of the traditional consensus (TGACGTCA) but has a higher ChIP-chip and expression correspondence than the motifs that are more symmetric.
V YHR178W STB5 1405 High   All motifs have CGG core and most have CGGnG. Most ChIP-derived motifs have no relationship to expression data. Mitomi motif 1405 and PBM motif 514 score decently on both ChIP-chip and expression data, and seem to nail the GO category (oxidative stress response), and look like classic Gal4 halfmers. MITOMI motif scores slighly higher overall. This is presumably the monomeric motif
V YHL009C YAP3 1411 High   Mitomi yields a nearly palindromic 8-mer motif with strong similarity to that of Yap6. PBM motif is similar but appears to be partial.
V YOL028C YAP7 1414 High   8-base bZIP core. Obtained by Mitomi, so this is a homodimer. Higher correspondence to unstressed ChIP-chip data. Little literature on this protein. 1414 chosen for higher ChIP-chip overall scores; plus, it is a palindrome as expected for a bZIP protein.
V YBR240C THI2 1449 High   This is a GAL4-class protein. All motifs are ChIP-chip derived, none resembles each other. 1449 is the only one with respectable scores on ChIP and expression,and it also has the appearance of a GAL4 class motif..although, the structural prior presumably forces it to have this property.
V YHR124W NDT80 1464 High   Motif 1464 matches literature motifs and PBM motif, and nails sporulation on GO. It also has the highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data.

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