V |
YKL032C |
IXR1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Binds cisplatin-modified DNA. HMG domains. ChIP-chip motifs not significant. Dubious and no credible motif. |
V |
YLR223C |
IFH1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Cofactor of Fhl1p. No evidence for sequence-specific DNA-binding. |
V |
YDR009W |
GAL3 |
0 |
Dubious |
Gal3 is not a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein |
V |
YML051W |
GAL80 |
0 |
Dubious |
Gal80 is not a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein |
V |
YNL199C |
GCR2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Gcr2 is not a DNA-binding protein. SGD: "Gcr1p is a DNA-binding protein interacting with the consensus sequence CTTCC, whereas Gcr2p interacts with Gcr1p". But, ChIP-chip motif 606 is probably the best Gcr1 motif available (even though it came from Gcr2 ChIP). |
V |
YBL008W |
HIR1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Hir1,2,3 are a nucleosome assembly complex, not TFs |
V |
YOR038C |
HIR2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Hir1,2,3 are a nucleosome assembly complex, not TFs |
V |
YJR140C |
HIR3 |
0 |
Dubious |
Hir1,2,3 are a nucleosome assembly complex, not TFs |
V |
YOR077W |
RTS2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Homolog of Kin17; not a typical C2H2 zinc finger. Believed to be "chromatin-associated proteins involved in UV response and DNA replication". No evidence for sequence-specific DNA-binding. Single ChIP-chip motif does not have strong correspondence to the data from which it is derived. |
V |
YGR097W |
ASK10 |
0 |
Dubious |
I did not find any evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. |
V |
YGR089W |
NNF2 |
0 |
Dubious |
I did not find any evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. |
V |
YKR064W |
OAF3 |
0 |
I do not see how either of these motifs could possibly be a Gal4-class binding motif. And, there is no correspondence to any of the data, even the ChIP-chip data from which it is derived. |
V |
YGL197W |
MDS3 |
0 |
Dubious |
I found no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. ChIP-chip motif does not correlate with ChIP-chip data, or anything else. |
V |
YIL128W |
MET18 |
0 |
Dubious |
I found no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. ChIP-chip motif does not correlate with ChIP-chip data, or anything else. |
V |
YJR094C |
IME1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Interacts with UME6. The only significant motif shares 5/6 bases with the UME6 motif core (GCCGCC) |
V |
YIL119C |
RPI1 |
0 |
Dubious |
It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motif comes only from ChIP-chip so scoring on ChIP-chip is circular. |
V |
YOR229W |
WTM2 |
0 |
Dubious |
It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motif comes only from ChIP-chip so scoring on ChIP-chip is circular. |
V |
YKL072W |
STB6 |
0 |
Dubious |
It is not clear that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein; it contains no DNA-binding domain and has no known in vitro sequence specificity. The motif comes only from ChIP-chip so scoring on ChIP-chip is circular. The ChIP-chip motif looks a little like a Rap1 motif. |
V |
YIR017C |
MET28 |
0 |
Like MET4, component of a complex. SGD: "Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcriptional activator in the Cbf1p-Met4p-Met28p complex".."Both Met4p and Met28p bind to DNA only in the presence of Cbf1p, and the presence of Cbf1p and Met4p stimulates the binding of Met28p to DNA (1, 2).". ChIP-chip motif 703 (CTGTGG) is clearly the Met31/32 motif. The other ChIP-chip motif is essentially poly-A, and scores poorly. Hence, neither of these motifs represents the intrinsic sequence specificity of MET28. Need in vitro data for complexes. |
V |
YHL020C |
OPI1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Motifs do not match and do not explain the ChIP-chip data from which they are derived. Motif 1049 resembles the expected UAS-INO (Ino2/4) binding site (CATGTGAAAT) - Opi1 acts as a repressor by binding Ino2. I believe this protein is a corepressor, and Ino2/4 are the DNA-binding factors. Dubious as sequence-specific TF. |
V |
YNL103W |
MET4 |
0 |
My understanding is that Met4 is a modifier of the specificity of other proteins. SGD states that it "requires different combinations of the auxiliary factors Cbf1p, Met28p, Met31p and Met32p". ChIP-chip motifs 1023 and 1024 I believe are cofactor motifs; they are E-boxes. ChIP-chip motif 689 is different and matches Met28 and Met32 motifs. (CTGTGG core). Met28 is a bZIP protein, and Met32 is a C2H2. MITOMI motif for Met32 is TGTGG. So this is the Met32 motif. I do not believe that any of the Met4 motifs is correct. Need to obtain motifs for complexes. |
V |
0 |
Need to study literature more carefully and consult experts.but at first glance none of these motifs seems right |
V |
YNL309W |
STB1 |
0 |
Dubious |
No direct evidence that this is a DNA-binding protein. It binds Swi6 and the ChIP motifs all resemble Swi4 binding sites. |
V |
YDR049W |
0 |
Dubious |
No evidence this is a TF, aside from a poorly-scoring C2H2 zinc finger |
V |
YGR288W |
MAL13 |
0 |
None of the ChIP-chip motifs correspond wekk to the data they come from and/or resemble a GAL4 motif. |
V |
YBR297W |
MAL33 |
0 |
None of the ChIP-chip motifs correspond wekk to the data they come from and/or resemble a GAL4 motif. |
V |
YPL049C |
DIG1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Not a TF - it binds Ste12; all the motifs are Ste12 motifs. |
V |
YFL052W |
0 |
Dubious |
Putative zinc-cluster protein. |
V |
MBP1-SWI6-dimer |
MBP1-SWI6-dimer |
0 |
Redundant with MBP1 |
V |
YOR363C |
PIP2 |
0 |
See Oaf1-Pip2-dimer |
V |
YJL206C |
0 |
Seven motifs from ChIP-chip, but none of them corresponds well to ChIP-chip data, and none of them resembles a GAL4 motif. 1169 has a CGG in the middle, but too much flanking information to be credible without further independent support. |
V |
YDR277C |
MTH1 |
0 |
Dubious |
SGD: "interacts with Rgt1p and the Snf3p and Rgt2p glucose sensors". There is no evidence that this is a sequence-specific transcription factor. |
V |
YKL005C |
BYE1 |
0 |
Dubious |
SGD: "Negative regulator of transcription elongation, contains a TFIIS-like domain and a PHD finger, multicopy suppressor of temperature-sensitive ess1 mutations, probably binds RNA polymerase II large subunit". No evidence this is a sequence-specific TF. |
V |
YNL257C |
SIP3 |
0 |
Dubious |
Sip3 is a protein that "transcription through interaction with DNA-bound Snf1p" (SGD); no DNA-binding domain and no evidence for direct interaction with DNA or intrinsic sequence specificity. |
V |
YLR182W |
SWI6 |
0 |
Dubious |
Swi6 is a cofactor, not a DNA-binding protein. These motifs are for Mbp1 or Swi4. |
V |
YGR040W |
KSS1 |
0 |
Dubious |
There is no evidence that Kss1 is a sequence-specific TF. |
V |
YKR101W |
SIR1 |
0 |
Dubious |
There is no evidence that the SIR proteins are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Most of the motifs for them are Rap1 sites. |
V |
YDL042C |
SIR2 |
0 |
Dubious |
There is no evidence that the SIR proteins are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Most of the motifs for them are Rap1 sites. |
V |
YLR442C |
SIR3 |
0 |
Dubious |
There is no evidence that the SIR proteins are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Most of the motifs for them are Rap1 sites. |
V |
YDR227W |
SIR4 |
0 |
Dubious |
There is no evidence that the SIR proteins are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Most of the motifs for them are Rap1 sites. |
V |
YOR372C |
NDD1 |
0 |
Dubious |
There is no evidence that this is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, either in vitro or in vivo or in its sequence. The ChIP-chip motif that scores most highly is actually an MCM1 motif, which is consistent with the role of NDD1 as a "transcriptional activator essential for nuclear division". |
V |
YOR298C-A |
MBF1 |
0 |
Dubious |
This is a coactivator. I found no evidence that it is a sequence-specific TF. |
V |
YLR113W |
HOG1 |
0 |
Dubious |
This is a signalling molecule that associates with many TFs (see SGD) |
V |
YNR054C |
ESF2 |
0 |
Dubious |
This is supposed to be a ribosome biogenesis factor. I found no evidence that it is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. |
V |
YDL166C |
FAP7 |
0 |
Dubious |
This is supposed to be a ribosome biogenesis factor. I found no evidence that it is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. |
V |
YNL132W |
KRE33 |
0 |
Dubious |
This is supposed to be a ribosome biogenesis factor. I found no evidence that it is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. |
V |
YPL216W |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YLR211C |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YGR071C |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YDR448W |
ADA2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YNL039W |
BDP1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YDL074C |
BRE1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YER159C |
BUR6 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YGR140W |
CBF2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YMR213W |
CEF1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YER164W |
CHD1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YMR176W |
ECM5 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YNL023C |
FAP1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YMR172W |
HOT1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YDR225W |
HTA1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YBL003C |
HTA2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YOR304W |
ISW2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YGL133W |
ITC1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YNL227C |
JJJ1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YLR254C |
NDL1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YOR156C |
NFI1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YBR060C |
ORC2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YDR323C |
PEP7 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YIL122W |
POG1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YCR066W |
RAD18 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YFR037C |
RSC8 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YBL052C |
SAS3 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YDR409W |
SIZ1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YOR290C |
SNF2 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YCR033W |
SNT1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YOR308C |
SNU66 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YGR002C |
SWC4 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YPL016W |
SWI1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YJL176C |
SWI3 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YDR362C |
TFC6 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YER063W |
THO1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YNL079C |
TPM1 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YDR485C |
VPS72 |
0 |
Dubious |
Unlikely to be true TF. |
V |
YFL031W |
HAC1 |
1788 |
High |
1788 is the overall winner. But, literature motif 94 also scores well in ChIP-chip, despite being somewhat different. Possible difference in heterodimerization partners, or proteolytic fragment? Retain both, score 94 as medium. |
V |
YOL028C |
YAP7 |
1737 |
High |
7-base bZIP core. Obtained in ChIP-chip studies and higher correspondence to stressed ChIP-chip data. Possible heterodimer? Little literature on this protein. 1737 chosen because it is largely symmetric and has highest score for both stressed and unstressed Harbison data, also, higher GO score |
V |
YOL028C |
YAP7 |
1414 |
High |
8-base bZIP core. Obtained by Mitomi, so this is a homodimer. Higher correspondence to unstressed ChIP-chip data. Little literature on this protein. 1414 chosen for higher ChIP-chip overall scores; plus, it is a palindrome as expected for a bZIP protein. |
V |
YER169W |
RPH1 |
547 |
High |
About half of the motifs look similar to each other, with GGGG core typical of many yeast C2H2 proteins. PBM motif 547 has meaningful scores on both ChIP-chip and mutant expression data. I'm somewhat concerned that motif 279 lacks two A residues captured by both PBM experiments. |
V |
YPR065W |
ROX1 |
1396 |
High |
About half the motifs have a typical ACAAT Sox core. MITOMI motif 1396 has highest correspondence to both ChIP-chip and deletion expression data. |
V |
YCR039C |
1364 |
High |
According to PMID: 9858582, "A comparison of the 2 binding sites in both asg and hsg operators yields the same consensus sequence, 5'-CATGTA-3"; results in Figure 2 of the same paper support a consensus of CATGTAA. MITOMI yields ACATG, which is the reverse complement of most of the literature consensus. Motif 1364 has highest information content; use this. |
V |
YBR083W |
TEC1 |
815 |
High |
All motifs agree, and are significant by several criteria. PBM motif 815 has the second-highest scores overall, and it is non-circular for in vivo binding. Also has highest GO score. |
V |
YOR380W |
RDR1 |
2158 |
High |
All motifs are related except 1851. PBM motif 2158 is monomeric and has highest correspondence to ChIP-chip data. The literature motif 756 consists of two back-to-back and slightly overlapping versions of the monomeric PBM motif. There is no evidence for direct binding in this specific spacing and orientation; however, the results of mutations in reporters indicate that both copies are necessary for induction in the mutant. Retain both motifs. |
V |
YDR207C |
UME6 |
2239 |
High |
All motifs are similar to each other. BEEML-PBM motif 2239 scores highest across the board. |
V |
YBR049C |
REB1 |
907 |
High |
All motifs are similar. ChIP-chip motif 907 has highest correspondence to both ChIP-chip and expression data, and strongly resembles MITOMI and PBM motifs. |
V |
YHR084W |
STE12 |
400 |
High |
All motifs but one resemble the canonical literature site. Motif 400 is derived from ChIP-chip data (on which it scores highest) but also scores highest on expression data. |
V |
YHR178W |
STB5 |
1405 |
High |
All motifs have CGG core and most have CGGnG. Most ChIP-derived motifs have no relationship to expression data. Mitomi motif 1405 and PBM motif 514 score decently on both ChIP-chip and expression data, and seem to nail the GO category (oxidative stress response), and look like classic Gal4 halfmers. MITOMI motif scores slighly higher overall. This is presumably the monomeric motif |
V |
YPL202C |
AFT2 |
389 |
High |
All motifs look similar. ChIP-chip motif 389 scores high on ChIP-chip data and also best on expression data. |
V |
YCR106W |
RDS1 |
506 |
High |
All motifs look similar. PBM motif 506 has a higher score on ChIP-chip than any of the ChIP-chip derived motifs. |
V |
YDR096W |
GIS1 |
562 |
High |
All motifs similar; PBM motif 562 has highest correspondence to deletion expression data and overexpression data |
V |
YPL128C |
TBF1 |
2178 |
High |
All motifs, obtained by three different means, are all very similar, although there is no ChIP or expression support for any of them. Went with 2178, which is the BEEML output. |
V |
YLR013W |
GAT3 |
2128 |
High |
All PBM motifs look similar, also similar to a subset of other GATAs. 2128 scores quite highly on ChIP-chip (albeit with negative correlation!), and also higher on expression and OE data. |